all postcodes in L15 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L15 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L15 4HA 58 0 53.401462 -2.926137
L15 4HB 66 0 53.401374 -2.925849
L15 4HD 17 0 53.401769 -2.922414
L15 4HE 30 0 53.402557 -2.922777
L15 4HF 30 0 53.402403 -2.922969
L15 4HG 76 0 53.401396 -2.925339
L15 4HH 32 4 53.403813 -2.923135
L15 4HJ 52 0 53.402354 -2.923509
L15 4HL 47 0 53.402028 -2.923758
L15 4HN 36 0 53.400421 -2.923513
L15 4HP 47 0 53.401714 -2.923781
L15 4HQ 52 0 53.401247 -2.924914
L15 4HR 35 0 53.400654 -2.924796
L15 4HS 36 0 53.400585 -2.924449
L15 4HT 41 1 53.401262 -2.922974
L15 4HU 47 0 53.401543 -2.921461
L15 4HW 45 0 53.400757 -2.923099
L15 4HX 36 0 53.400542 -2.924147
L15 4HZ 38 0 53.400428 -2.923874
L15 4JA 54 0 53.404106 -2.920193